At McNairn Packaging - Whitby, we are committed to ensuring that we provide a safe, welcoming, barrier-free and accessible environment for our employees, customers, prospects, suppliers, job applicants, visitors and other stakeholders who enter onto our premises, do business with us, access our website or communicate with us. This applies in relation to employment with our organization and areas such as customer service, the built environment, information and communication, and transportation.
As a Company, we are committed to ensuring that:
- it treats customers with disabilities with dignity and respect, and that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity, and
- employment opportunities are fully accessible to job candidates and employees with disabilities; this includes as it relates to performance management, career advance and all other aspects of the employment relationship.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)
The Company recognizes that “Disability” covers a broad range and degree of conditions, some visible and some not visible. A disability may have been present from birth, caused by an accident or through illness, or developed over time.
There are physical, mental, learning, and developmental disabilities; hearing, vision and language or speech disabilities; mental health disabilities and addictions, environmental sensitivities, epilepsy and other conditions.
In other words, disability sometimes affects how people’s bodies move, or how they perceive or communicate. In addition, some people with disabilities use service animals or assistive devices (such as a wheelchair). Moreover, there are different degrees of disability.
We have implemented policies and programs for employees which address specific issues. These programs are tailored to particular groups of managers and employees, and include information on topics such as:
- an overview of the governing legislation (including the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC or the Code) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), its regulations and accessibility standards)
- non-discriminatory job posting, interviewing, and hiring practices;
- accommodating employees with disabilities
- communicating with customers with various types of disabilities
- communicating clearly and concisely by telephone
- the use of assistive devices and alternatives to telephone communications
- the use of service animals and support persons
- providing of accessible invoices/bills (where applicable)
- providing notices of temporary disruptions (where applicable); and
- relevant policies, practices, and procedures.
AODA Customer Service Standard
Employees are required to follow the Company’s accessibility policies, practices and procedures for providing goods and services to customers and its interactions with suppliers, visitors and other third parties (“customer”) with disabilities.
When communicating with a person with a disability, employees are expected do so in a respectful manner that takes into account their disability.
Recognizing that there are many different types of disabilities, and it may not always be obvious that a customer has a disability, employees will not make assumptions about whether somebody has a disability or what the person can and cannot do, or how they would prefer to communicate.
Customers who require assistive devices to help access our goods, services or facilities will be accommodated where safe to do so and their personal assistive devices are recognized as a part of their personal space (no one will touch or move someone’s personal assistive device without permission).
Except in areas prohibited by law (e.g., contrary to food safety or occupational health and safety guidelines), customers who use service animals (such as guide and alert dogs) or support persons are welcome to bring those animals or persons onto parts of the Company’s premises while recognizing that service animals are working animals (they are not pets) and the support person is not the customer. Employees will avoid petting or distracting service animals and will talk to the customer directly when communicating with them and not to the support person.
In the event of a disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities, we must make reasonable efforts to provide customers with notice of this disruption.
Customers are invited to provide us feedback on how we have served customers with disabilities here.
Accessibility Contact Information
If you have any questions, please contact us:
- By email:
- By visiting this page on our website:
- By phone number: 1-800-867-1898
- By phone number: (413) 568-1989
- By fax number: (413) 562-1903
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
J.H. McNairn Ltd. (“McNairn Packaging” or the “Company”) aims to become barrier-free to the extent possible and reasonable by 2025.
This plan includes complying with the following accessibility standards in:
- Customer Service
- Information and Communications
- Employment
- Transportation (Not applicable)
- The Built Environment
The Company remains committed to improving accessibility through the identification, removal and prevention of barriers in our organization. Working with our employees and with our customers ensures that accessibility is given significant consideration.
This plan has been developed by the Management Team in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR). It outlines a strategy to prevent and remove barriers and address the current and future requirements of the AODA. It will be provided in an alternative format upon request.
As a non-public sector organization, the Company is not required to establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee and the multi-disciplinary management team will include members from operations, finance, administration and sales.
In accordance with the requirements, the Company will:
- Provide all information relating to the plan in alternative formats upon request.
- Review and update the plan at least once every five years.
- Report compliance to the Standards on the Accessibility Compliance Reporting tool at required intervals.
1. Accessibility Requirements
1.1 Standards for Customer Service
- Establishing policies, procedures and practices for providing goods and services to persons with disabilities and posting these in the reception area and on the corporate website.
- Providing accessibility awareness, AODA and customer service standard training to all staff who interact, or may interact, with persons with disabilities of behalf of the company or are involved in the creation and implementation of policies, practices and procedures for the company.
- Providing accessible feedback mechanisms, reviewing customer service feedback forms (in print and/or online) and providing alternate formats upon request.
- Service disruption protocol per policy/notification.
- Adding an “Accessibility” link on the Company website to communicate the customer service policy and provide instructions for enhanced accessibility offerings.
- Creating a customer service policy that highlights information about accessibility requirements under the AODA including policies, guidelines and mandatory and recommended training requirements for staff and management.
- Tracking attendance for accessibility training courses.
- Communicating through policies and website
The Company has adopted the accessible customer service policy and procedures.
As a private company where visitor access is limited, the Company recognizes that physical barriers do exists for people with disabilities and may exist both physically and attitudinally when communicating with customers off-site, by phone, email or via other online mechanisms.
As needed, persons with various disabilities are consulted to ensure we meet the needs of persons with disabilities when accessing or visiting our facility.
To date, the company has not identified any customers with disabilities where communication barriers may exist.
- Price lists, invoices, catalogues, brochures and etc. can be provided in alternate formats where deemed required and requested.
- Our organization does not have signage for wayfinding due to the lack of facilities open to the general public and lack of current internal need (existing employees, customers and essential visitors).
The Company, upon request or as deemed necessary, will look at finding and implementing assistive devices or technological enhancements to our information, communication, and website for the purpose of improving interaction and communication with people with disabilities.
The Company will continue to review its customer service policy in its training activities and will consider accessibility-related feedback received through all channels (i.e., feedback form, online contact form, email, correspondence, inquiries, meeting evaluations, etc.) by assessing and responding to feedback as required.
In the event of a service interruption to regular services or at our facility (i.e. out-of-order accessible washroom, maintenance on structural features such as doorways/side walks, etc.), public will be notified when these disruptions occur by way of signage or other appropriate communication deemed appropriate at the time.
Training has been implemented and is tracked to promote awareness of how to communicate with people with disabilities and staff continues to be encouraged to consider accessibility when planning meetings and events with customers, including vendors and suppliers.
1.2 Emergency response and evacuation plan
Instructions are provided to staff regarding emergency evacuation.
- Where or if appliable, persons with various disabilities are consulted to ensure we meet the needs of persons with disabilities in our emergency response plan, and that public safety information and instructions are provided in a timely manner if an emergency or disaster occurs.
- Where appropriate, persons in need of assistance have been or will be identified and provided with an emergency evacuation plan; with that plan communicated to appropriate emergency response personnel.
- The emergency response plan and instructions are routinely reviewed and modified to take the needs of those requiring accommodation or who identified a need.
- The emergency response/evacuation plan is posted and provided to employees at time of hire, when updated, and to third-parties/contractors in accordance with policy. Emergency response plan is available upon request to members of the public; if required and/or deemed appropriate.
- Individualized workplace emergency response information has been made available to employees who have disclosed a disability, and such employees will be accommodated according to their disability when and if an emergency or disaster occurs. These individualized plans have been or will be communicated to their managers and recorded in their personnel files.
- First aid and emergency response employees have been and/or will be trained on the emergency response plan to ensure that they know how to interact with persons with disabilities (employees and customers) during an emergency, incident or dangerous situation.
- Individualized emergency response information is reviewed when:
a) An employee moves to a different location in the organization.
b) An employee’s overall needs or plans are reviewed; and
c) When reviewing general emergency response policies
3. Standards for Integrated Accessibility general requirements
3.1. Accessibility policy and statement of commitment to IASR
The Company has a statement of commitment and policy on how the Company will achieve accessibility through meeting the IASR’s requirements.
The Company has assessed physical, attitudinal and communication barriers across the company and will remove or prevent barriers to access for persons with disabilities in our organization as outlined within this plan.
- The Company has a policy that addresses how it will achieve or meet accessibility requirements.
- The Company’s Accessibility Policies and statement of commitment will be made available to the public on the premises, on the Company website and in the employee handbook.
- The Company’s Accessibility Policies and statement of commitment will be available in an accessible format upon request. We will consult with the person with a disability when identifying the appropriate format.
3.2 Accessibility plan maintenance
A multi-year accessibility plan has been developed that outlines the steps the Company has taken to meet accessibility requirements and improve opportunities for people with disabilities. This plan focuses on actively preventing and removing barriers wherever possible, including making the plan available on the Company’s website and providing an accessible format upon request.
Review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years.
3.3 Training
Training has been developed and implemented to ensure all employees, volunteers, persons who deal with customers and the public on the company’s behalf, and persons participating in the development and approval of the company’s policies, practices and procedures receive the appropriate training that meets the requirements under the IASR.
As needed or deemed appropriate, meetings and training sessions will be made accessible for employees with learning and other disabilities.
Accessibility and Accommodation Training on the Accessibility Standards for Ontarians with
Disabilities is provided to new hires as part of their orientation with updated training provided to existing employees as required. Training covers the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), Ontario Regulation 191/11 and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), as well as the Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code) and the AODA (section 7).
Training and/or training attendance records are maintained.
4. Standards for Information and Communications
4.1 Accessible Formats, Communication Supports and Websites/Web Content
McNairn Packaging is committed to making company information and communications accessible to people with disabilities. The information we provide and the ways we communicate are key to delivering our goods, programs and services to its customers.
Access to information involves matters relating to format and availability of content, including the means of access and technologies associated with it. While access to publications and information is usually the responsibility of the Finance/Information Services Group, there are also related responsibilities in all departments and units that produce publications and websites, such as promotional, marketing and sales materials.
The Company will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the information and communications standard to ensure that its information and communications systems and platforms are accessible and provided in accessible formats that meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The Company will endeavour to provide necessary communication supports in a timely manner. If a request for an accessible format can not be met, request must be responded to stating why the request could not be met.
- The company is making efforts to maintain and increase the accessibility of its Digital Properties to ensure that persons with disabilities have full and equal enjoyment of our online goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations. We set up regular times where we scan and review the website for accessibility issues that may come up.
To remove barriers to persons with disabilities, the Company:
- Upon request, provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports to persons with disabilities in a timely manner, taking into account the person’s accessibility needs.
- Will, on its website, provide a link and/or post its accessibility statement, accessibility plan and information about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.
- Evaluate and Update its website and web content to conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA other than success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (Live) and success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Descriptions (Pre-recorded).
4.2 Feedback
Upon request,
- Be able to receive and respond to feedback from customers and individuals inquiring about McNairn Packaging, our employes and members of the public who have a disability.
- Provide accessible formats and communication supports for receiving and responding to feedback from persons with disabilities.
- Notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.
- Provide for a feedback form and other feedback mechanisms (i.e., online, email, etc.)
- Ensure that processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request.
- Consult the person making the request to determine suitability of format.
5. Standards for Employment
The Company is committed to fair and accessible employment practices that attract and retain talented employees with disabilities.
5.1. Recruitment
The Company will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the employment standard to ensure that barriers in recruitment are reduced or eliminated and corporate policies are followed where applicable.
- The Company will assess recruitment policies, practices and procedures, methods and attitudes to identify, reduce and remove barriers to employment of people with disabilities.
- Employees are notified about the availability of accommodation in its recruitment processes for applicants with disabilities.
- External job advertisements specify that accommodation is available for applicants with disabilities.
- Selected applicants are informed about the availability of accommodations.
- If the selected applicant requests an accommodation, the Company consults with the applicant and arrange for the provision of a suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs.
- When making offers of employment, the Company notifies the successful applicant of policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
- During orientation, employees are provided with accessibility and accommodation training, policies and information.
- Notify the public about the availability of accommodation in its recruitment processes for applicants with disabilities via the Company website.
5.2. Support information for employees.
The Company will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the Employment Standard to ensure that barriers in information that supports employees are eliminated and Company policies are followed where applicable.
The Company will assess its supporting documents, policies, practices and procedures, methods and attitudes to identify and remove barriers to employment of people with disabilities.
The Company:
- Informs current employees and new hires soon after they begin employment of the Company’s policies supporting employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability.
- Provides information under this section to new employees as soon as practicable after they begin their employment.
- Keeps employees up to date on changes to policies through its handbook and other training.
- Provides accessible formats and communication supports to any employees who request them. If requested, the employer will consult with the employee to provide or arrange for provision of accessible formats and communication supports for:
- information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job.
- information that is generally available to employees in the workplace
5.3 Documented individualized plans (i.e. return to work plan, accommodation plan)
The Company will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the employment standard to ensure that barriers in accommodation and other plans that support employees are eliminated and company policies are followed where applicable.
The Company will assess its return-to-work and accommodation plans, policies, practices and procedures, methods and attitudes to identify and remove barriers to employment of people with disabilities.
The Company:
- Includes in the process the manner in which the employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the plan.
- Includes in the process the means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis.
- Provides individualized accommodation plans to any employee with a disability (where requested and/or needed).
- Includes in the process the manner in which the employer can request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at the employer’s expense, to assist the employer in determining if and how accommodation can be achieved.
- Provides an individualized return-to-work plan for any employee who has been absent from work due to a disability and requires disability-related accommodations to return to work.
- Includes in the process the manner in which the employee can request participation of a representative from their bargaining agent.
- Takes steps to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information.
- Outlines the frequency in which individual accommodation plans will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done.
- Provides the employee with the reasons for the denial if the individual accommodation plan is denied.
- Includes in the process the means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the employee’s accessibility needs.
- Includes any individualized workplace emergency response information.
- Identifies any other accommodation that is to be provided to the employee.
5.4 Performance assessment, career development and advancement, and redeployment
The Company will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the employment standard to ensure that barriers in performance assessment, career development and advancement, and redeployment are reduced or eliminated, and corporate policies are followed where applicable.
The Company will assess its performance reviews, career development and advancement, redeployment programs, policies, practices and procedures, methods and attitudes to identify and remove barriers to employment of people with disabilities.
The Company:
- Takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and their individualized accommodation plans into account:
- when assessing their performance
- in managing their career development and advancement
- when redeploying them
- Reviews and revises its performance review policy.
- Takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when providing career development and advancement to its employees with disabilities.
- Takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when redeploying employees.
6. Standards for Transportation
This standard does not apply to the Company.
7. Standards for the Built Environment
The company is a private business, not open to the general pubic.
Company is committed to greater accessibility in, out of, and around the buildings we use. The Company will ensure that facilities incorporate the standards for barrier-free design as existing spaces are renovated and/or new spaces are obtained, such as universal washrooms, barrier-free paths of travel, adaptable seating, power door operators and etc. (section 3.8 of the building code does not have a retroactive affect with regards to being fitted with new accessibility features).
Those requiring accommodation when accessing the building will be provided with assistance and/or accommodation, recognizing the following barriers may exist:
Main Entrance:
- Barrier may exist with regards to door handles (may be inoperable with a closed fist), door thresholds, lobby counter/phone (height), etc. for those with ambulatory and other physical disabilities.
- Lack of designated/accessible parking spaces, condition of parking lot and distance from parking lot to main entrance may create barrier to those with ambulatory and other physical disabilities.
- Barriers may exist in traversing doors between office and plant for those with ambulatory and other physical disabilities (door handles, adequate space)
- Washroom door handles/knobs (exit) not operable with closed fist and door closure rate may incumber those ambulatory and other physical disabilities.
- Break/Lunchroom counters not accessible for those may use a seated mobility device and possibility those with other ambulatory and other physical disabilities.
Need for assistance in accessing the facility as described above by employees, visitors, customers, or others does not promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities (whether temporary or permanent).
If need arises, the Company will make facility access more accessible (replace door handles, install automatic door handles) and provide options or alternatives in the reception area for visitors and modifications for employees deemed appropriate.
The Company recognizes that even if the Building Code and the AODA are complied with, under Ontario’s Human Rights Code, employers have a duty to accommodate persons with disabilities to the point of undue hardship.